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Saturday, February 27, 2010

lazy friday dinner

There weren't many people home today for dinner so my brother and I threw a bunch of stuff together for an easy meal of mushroom rice, pollo al jugo, and random fried asparagus.

Pollo al jugo:
This was something I learned while I was in Ecuador. Easy and light. Tomatoes, a red pepper, an onion, and some garlic blended together till liquefied. Chicken seasoned with pepper and salt and browned on a pan. Pour puree mixture in together with chicken in pan, add bay leaf and other tasty spices, and let simmer on low for about 30mins till cooked. Try to get most of the chicken covered with liquid. Light and refreshing, remember to salt to taste.

Mushroom rice:
Fry mushrooms with seasoning, throw in uncooked rice, water, chicken cube (if so inclined) and cook. Ok I'm not too sure about this one, my brother made it.

Random asparagus:
Asparagus randomly fried

1 comment:

  1. gosh your "bunch of stuff thrown together for an easy meal" is more sophisticated than my well-planned meal. whyyy =.=

